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Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is organized exclusively for educational and religious purposes. Specifically, Friends Meeting School provides a sound academic foundation while exemplifying Quaker values of simplicity, integrity, and equality.

Brian Braxton

Deborah Browning, committee on trustees co-clerk

Jeff Cooper

Jean Cooper

Jen Cort

Benjamin Fosbaugh

Chris Garosi, board clerk

Min Kim

Rich Lamporte, advancement committee clerk

Rebekah Lusk, finance committee clerk

Linda Sepe, spiritual life committee clerk

Deborah Smith

Amy Lear White, committee on trustees co-clerk

Board Committees

Finance Committee

The primary purpose of the finance committee is to assist the board with monitoring and overseeing property and financial policy, the school’s budget and budget variances, financial statements, and providing recommendations on the school's long-term financial management strategy.  The committee ensures that all trustees understand the nature of the school’s finances.  In addition, the finance committee maintains a strategic focus on building structures and grounds, as well as safety plans and security provisions.  The work of this group aims to optimize current and future use of the school’s assets and facilities.

Committee on Trustees

The committee on trustees has responsibility for determining board needs, attending to board policy, following a process for recruiting interested and appropriate persons for the board, determining committee assignments and clerks of committees (except assignments to the committee on trustees), nominating and renominating officers for the board, orienting new members, nurturing and supporting the growth of members, and conducting the board self-assessment.

Advancement Committee

The advancement committee has responsibility for supporting the fundraising efforts of the school’s administration.  In addition, the committee engages in outreach to raise awareness about the school and to broaden the school’s network within the surrounding community.

Spiritual Life Committee

The purpose of the spiritual life committee is to develop and refine the board’s Quaker practice and trustees’ understanding of the Religious Society of Friends.  The committee also ensures that the board is aware of the Quaker dimension of the school’s program.  In addition, the committee provides guidance and resources for the school’s diversity, equity, and justice initiatives and other programs that foster spiritual inquiry and expression.